The Mot-Mot eats bugs; lots of them! |
Many of you have experienced a message from me, some even in person, which goes something like this: "I (
or we) are intending _
(fill in the the blank with a positive present voice statement)_ for the Highest and Best Good of All Concerned, so be it and SO IT IS!" And I usually add a "Whoooooooooo!" or an "Amen!" at the end in order to make sure the Universe knows I want to be heard.
This was partially learned from a group called
The Intenders of the Highest Good, and some of it came from other sources, including my grandmother, Elsa, who believed strongly in the power of the mind. Long ago I used to annoy my children when I would wave my arms in a circle and call out "White Lights!" as they were leaving the house or the car or getting on an airplane. It was my early effort at communicating a blessing, a thought of protection for them, seeing them in their Highest Light of Protection and Good.
Orange blossoms have the most wonderful scent! |
When I started this blog, one of my personal objectives was to be a cheerleader for those with MM and to use intentions in that sideline position. It has been gratifying to hear back from some people that they have appreciated my expression of commitment to their well-being. But I am the one who has realized great benefits from my almost daily 'meditations' of healing messages.
I joined an Intenders group in St. Augustine, FL, almost a decade ago, after being trained as a Reiki Master, and have learned a lot during that time about the effects of energy and especially as it relates to healing. And I am still a student. I am learning how water and food can affect that energy, but the mind is a powerful tool as well.
This is not to say that just because you are 'thinking positive thoughts' that you will overcome a health issue, nor is one to blame for an illness or condition because of not having uplifting thoughts. But I do personally believe that focus of thought is part of the equation of healing. So to help explain what I mean, I want to offer a message recently delivered from Tony Burroughs, a co-founder of The Intenders, which says it so much better than I can.
This is a Utah sunset shot I captured last year. |
The following doc comes from a recent Intenders Newsletter. It says a great deal about what we stand for and where we’re see ourselves headed in the way we act toward each other. We've received so many favorable comments on it that we thought we would share it with those of you in The Intenders Facebook Founders Circle. It’s called Healing: A How To . . .
"Teach no one that he is what you would not want to be." This line comes from A Course in Miracles and it is worth rereading a time or two until you understand it because it says so much to those who are intending to make a happier, healthier life for themselves. Indeed, these few words hold a key to discerning and dispelling all that we have been taught about sicknesses, defense, money and almost everything we believe in.
For when we look closely we realize that we have been taught how to get sick, how to defend ourselves against enemies unseen, how to manifest lack and limitation, how to act in conformance with all that our society deems proper and just. Fortunately, people are waking up now and we're beginning to ask ourselves: "Are these things we have been taught continuing to serve us? Would the people who taught us (and continue to teach us) to believe in disease, defense, and destitution want to be experiencing these things for themselves?" It's very doubtful.
At this point we can stop and play the Blame Game (as so many of us have done in the past), or we can take a new tack. We can begin to reexamine all the old beliefs we were taught, discard those that are making us sick or unhappy, and we can make use of another line from The Course which says, "When a brother behaves insanely, you can heal him only by perceiving the sanity in him."
We in the Intenders would say that we see him in his Highest Light. We see his Perfection, his Divine Essence, his Spirit Self - and in doing so something quite magical - a transformation - begins to happen. He picks up on what we're doing and he contemplates a change in his behavior. No longer will he teach that which he would not want for himself. Now he's taken the first step in healing wounds he's carried with him from way back.
This is what is happening all around us these days. In the midst of seemingly relentless chaos, more and more people are holding the template of the Highest Light. We're seeing everyone and everything in its Highest, Sanest, Most Joyful State of Being, and, as a result, we're having a profound effect on the world we live in. We're healing it. We're healing it all - and here's the best part: That's exactly what we need to be doing in order to heal our own wounds from way back.
Tony Burroughs
Bougainvilla grows everywhere here. |
Early on in my Reiki training, we learned that when we are healing others, we are healing ourselves as well. That isn't why I started doing Reiki, but it has been a wonderful adjunct to my practice. Reading "A Course in Miracles" daily for one year was another way to come to a greater understanding of how my early 'training' has affected all my life.
Clearly I am no saint, nor am I about to claim to be The Healer. I am merely the conduit, the plastic pipe through which the energy and the message flows. I wanted to share this message so that others might join in this flow, this wonderful possible effect of healing it all... and for all of us to be in our Highest Light for the highest and best good of all concerned.... so be it and so it is.... whooooooooooo!