Four years ago, plus or minus a few weeks, I arrived in Sequim. My choice to live here was based on two major factors: 1) It is a community that supports senior citizens in a variety of ways (
health, transportation and social activities to name a few) and 2) It was less than three hours away from my daughter's family.
Well, this spring #2 became a little further away when they moved to Issaquah. But I still love my life in Sequim.
Another thing that happened about four years ago was going to the Sequim Arts Association members show at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in their parish hall. As I walked around, I thought to myself, "Self, someday we are going to be in this show."
Dungeness Spit Sunset (2016) Watercolor (8.5 X 10) |
Dear readers, this year I am reaching that goal! This is my second art show in the U.S. and I have three entries. The name of the group has changed to the
Olympic Peninsula Arts Association and this event is only open to members.
Two watercolors and one photograph are entered; shown here.
Before having them framed, I had Clear Image in Sequim take proper scans of them and make one copy for sale. I am not willing to part with the originals at this time.
And, by the time I got through with the scans, matting and framing, I have invested over $200 in all three of them. Most folks in Sequim want to buy something for about $35. It's just not possible for me to provide an original with my creative work and have it ready to hang at that price.
Bluejay (2016) Watercolor (10 x 10.25) |
But this photo was selected by John Brewer, (
Publisher Emeritus now) when I was working at the Peninsula Daily News to be on their webpage as representative of a summer day. So I thought it must still be worthy enough to be a candidate for my three entries.
Lake Crescent Visitor (2015) Photography (8.5 x 10) |
I don't know if any of these will be selected as 'winners' in the show; that is such a subjective game played in the art world. But I am happy with them myself, and that is what really counts.
The Artists Reception is on Wednesday, Oct. 12, and the show opens on Thursday, Oct. 13 through Sunday, Oct. 16, at the St. Luke's Episcopal Church parish hall, 525 Fifth Ave., Sequim, Washington.
I so wish my family could come out here and be part of my celebration of accomplishment, but a dear friend has announced she will come and be my 'witness' for achievement, and that is a special event for me!
I will take some pictures at the reception to share at a later date.
Thank you for stopping by and especially for any encouraging comments...