The shipper sent two (!!) cranes to pick up the container. Jey-hu asked the driver of the first one if I had called him and ordered both of them because I had been giving him such grief about how much stuff he was putting inside. I want to compliment both McKinney, the place where we purchased our container, and their crane contact, Skyway Towing from Renton, WA, for having a professional crew that got everything done quickly and safely.
I took a lot of pictures, like the one above, and Jey-hu was taking some as well like this one to the right, of the way that they lifted and lowered the container onto the truck for its travel to the Port. My youngest grandson loves trucks and I wished he could have been with me, but since he was not, I am going to give him a little booklet with lots of the photos we took and compose a little story for him to enjoy.
In the midst of packing, doing garage sales, errands, etc., the leaves are turning and the squirrels are grabbing up all the pits of the cherries to store away for the winter. Today it was quite mild, but by mid-afternoon (fortunately it was after the container lifting!) the wind was blowing heavily and rain was on the horizon. I think I may not miss the days of rain and greyness.
We had a lovely conversation with our Campo "director" this evening and got to see the inside of his "rammed earth home" which was very like the little structure shown below. It is not in green, nor is it quite as small, but the idea is to build with materials that are present in the area. If you go to, you will see this little shed made of rammed earth which is only one of several examples of the great diversity in design and capabilities of rammed earth structures.
The process of making a choice to go down one road or another is always more complicated than it initially appears, and once the decision has been made, the upheavals and ramifications of the choice sometimes give one a momentary doubt about the planned direction. But life presents barriers of all kinds, day by day, and part of the challenge seems to be just getting up and over them, or finding a way to work your way around it.
Making choices about what to take for three months to a remote village in South America has been challenging. Jey-hu wants to have many of his "creature comforts" and our worst disagreements have been about his perspective vs. mine... I want to have problem-solving materials and my cameras. But it's all over now, and our choices will arrive in about a month and we will see who is better served by his or her selections.