Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A surprise for me

The project that Jey-hu and I are working on requires a special paper in a custom size. We found a place in Seattle that orders unique papers and because Jey-hu had a customer to see near by, we decided to do both together. Oh, I forgot to mention that due to the CAR-deeact arrest (the engine simply stopped working) of the truck, we are down to one piece of transport for a short while. So we are combining our errands.

Well, the surprise was that we went back to the factory district for the paper, and after picking it up, Jey-hu said, "Since we've finished the work part of the day,
I'll show you another part of Seattle." I was unaware that Pioneer Square was nearby and since it was mid-afternoon we found a place to park very easily. But I also didn't bring my regular camera and had to rely on my phone's camera to get this shot of a "hot" street... we've had unseasonably warm days out here in the NW, and the hazy skies also tell that tale.

And as we headed home, the traffic was building and my tolerance for being stuck in a hot car on a hot pavement began to wane... who would have ever thought this former Florida-dweller would have complained about the heat in Washington?

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